Sunday, May 30, 2010

Afternoon in the waves...

Mike and I decided to take the kids for a swim one afternoon, which proves to be much harder than you think when you own two water dogs who hate the water... Mike literally had to drag them in the water with him. He finally ended up getting into his boxers, picking them up, and dragging them out with him, haha. Needless to say, Chloe didn't care for it and she's not the best swimmer... I supposed we should take them out more often!
Charlie and Chloe trying to get out of the water as quickly as possible... haha, I love the look on Chloe's face!!

Charlie exhausted after all the wave dodging... wasn't from swimming, that's for sure. He didn't even like the waves touching his toes!!
Shortly after this picture was taken, Mike took his shorts off down into his undies, picked him up, and carried him out into the water... poor dog look completely panic-stricken when he got back to the shore!
Needless to say, it was an entertaining afternoon on the East side of the island. Nice little beach for a dog who actually likes the water, not so much for our kids though! We'll try again another time...

Some Yummy Som Chai

So I have been trying to stay away from the food posts, but this one was way too yummy to not share with everyone. We have been to this place called Som Chai a few times now, and every time we're gone it has been EXCELLENT!! This pic up above is my Pad Thai, MILD. The first time I came here I failed to mention that key word and the food almost scorched my esophogus. I should have known when the plate came to me and it was covered with red peppers, haha!

So this my amazing home-made Chai they serve there. You can tell it's going to be amazing before you even take a sip because the milk they use has to be close to half and half or heavy whipping cream, because it's super thick and floating on the top of the ice... yummy!
This is the inside of the resturant. The guy in the black t-shirt owns the place and is super super nice. He always comes to everyone's table to ask how everything was, speaks perfect english, and will alter any of his nigthly specials or daily menu to make you happy! There are only about 15 seats in the whole joint, and it's very quirky inside. The only thing I find odd about the place is there is a sign that states that he will not serve anyone in uniform... but yet he welcomes american in civilian clothes... weird, I know. Regardless, anyone who comes and visits will have to be taken here in the future!!