Sunday, April 12, 2009

Aquarium, again... just can't get me enough of that sweet fishy smell!

So I love the aquarium, and we decided to hit it up again since we are now year pass holders, and one of the guys in the car had never been there before. Here are some more pice for your viewing pleasure...
Firt pic, it's onne of those whale-eating super giant squids... it was very... giant-like. The next pic is at the dolphin show. We hit the last show of the evening so the sun was setting, and I thought this looked pretty cool. The next pic down is actually the hide of a huge great white shark that was caught of Japanese shores in the 60's or so... makes me really want to sign up for those Scuba lessons!! The next pic is Mike demonstrating just how thick that plexi glass in front of the whale sharks is... I think it's like 60cm!!
The next pic down is a dolphin brain versus a shark brain. The dolphin is the bigger of the two... go figure. A shark can't even swim backwards, and now I know why! The next pic down is me by the head/eyes of the shark skin. I was gonna pucker up for a kiss but then I realized it was real, and I kinda air-gaged a little. Sarah made some sweet lovin' to it, but to avoid any beastiality comments, I kept that pic in the "naughty" file!
Next pic is obviously Mike and I in a huge shark mouth... I don't know if it was real because... well, I couldn't read the damn sign! Nothing like moving to a country who uses symbols for words to make you feel like an illiterate village idiot! Moving on...
The next pic if you look closely is actually of two frowning fishies. Sarah said they were frowning because they were so ugly. I told Mike it's what we were going to look like when we were old... but as long as we both look the same, maybe we could smile a little...
The yellow fishy is a horny something-or-other. I stopped reading once I saw horny... and of course I giggled. I put this pick up purely due to the fact it took like 20 pics to finally get one of him not blurry. He was all over the place! I wasn't supposed to use a flash, but the little bastard was asking for it! I flashed his little face off, and let me tell ya, he held still for a couple seconds after that!
The pic was actually of a poster. It was too hilarious not to photograph. I have no idea what it was saying or the point of it, but look at it... HILARIOUS! Ok, so that was the aquarium... I will get some video of it up as soon as I can!!

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