Monday, July 6, 2009

Oooh, super secret squirrel got pictures on the flight line!!

Yay for America Fest!! So on the weekend of the 4th of July, the Kadena Air Base opened up its doors and its flight line to all military and local nationals to display their aircrafts for all to see, for good food, good tunes and some fireworks. I have no idea what all these planes are, but I know I got to touch ever single one of them except the F-22 which was roped off by a 30-foot radius.

All in all, it was pretty cool. You could actually walk up into quite a few of the planes and take a peek around at all the guages and sit in the seats. The day I went to the festival they had opened it up to all the locals so there were huge lines trying to get into all the crafts, so I just touched them all the from the outside and took some pics. If we had gone the day before when the weather wasn't so nice and it was just open to Military, I probably could have sat down in each of the planes' pilot's seats and had a full convo with the pilots, but ah well... they were still cool to look at.

A final note, the second to last picture is an A-10 Warthog. This is the plane Mike likes the best and wants to fly... it's big, clumsy, and kind of useless just like him :-) Just joking... but he does really like that one for some reason or another...

More pics of the fest to come. Had lots going on this night so we kinda have to break the evening down, plus it's almost 10 and I am starting to get sleepy eyes :-)

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