So... I was minding my own business one day at work (Wednesday) when out of nowhere this little black ball of fluff was put into my hands and I was told, "Hey, you like black labbs, right? Want this one?" so I was like, sure, I'll take her home... not realizing the girl was serious. I was then informed by the "owners" that they were a one-dog-family and already had a lab mix, and just didn't want her any more and didn't want to have to pay another 100 to surrender her when they already put like $500 into her to get her healthy. Apparently they found her on her death bed and she was dying from complications from kennel cough and starvation out in the wilderness, poor little puppy. They didn't want anything from anyone except the guarantee that she would be in a good, loving home... and what better a person to take her than one that actually works at a vet clinic, right? So, me being the bleeding heart that I am, I scooped her up, got her a first round of vaccs, her heartguard and flea/tick meds, and some dewormed from her very poofy wormy tummy. Then I had to make the call to the hubby...
I said... hooooooony, how much do you loooooooooove me?? He says, "What animal came across your path today at the clinic that you just have to have?" and I said, well, congrats daddy, it's a healthy 8 lb. baby girl!! There was a sigh on the other end, but I could tell he was excited it was at least it was a puppy this time and not something random like a ferret or a dog that needed hundreds of dollars of surgery... I mean, look at that face.... awwwwwwweeee
So allow me to introduce "little puppy." (To be named at some point...) Cute, huh? She's definately black lab and something else we can't figure out. I'm sure being from Oki she's mixed with something small so she won't be huge like our other two, but she goes with the color scheme we seem to have going at this point.
Charlie, being the good little mommy he is, threw out the olive brance to the little sprat when we got home. I'm sure Chloe was off scowling somewhere at this point. Little puppy just walked in the house like she owned it, grabbed a toy, and plopped down on the bed and started to chew away... at that point I was like, yeah, she's gotta be a part of this family.
She's a very low-key gal... she'll go balls out for a while, then zonk out so hard you could shakehe and she'd still sleep. I'm trying not to get too attached to her since I just want to find he a good home. Her previous owner had a collar for her, gave me a couple bowls, some food, her favorite toy, and a blanket for her which I thought was nice, and even brought me all her medical records from off-base the next afternoon after I took her. (The Japanese are such nice people!)
So we've had her for a few days now and she's doing great. We are learning to potty outside, having fewer and fewer accidents, no pooping in our kennel after the first night, is good with the other two, and LOVES Charlie! They snuggle all the time, it's adorable! He must smell good or something, because all the little ones love him! I've got a few people interested in her, so I don't think she will be with us for long, but I enjoy having a little one around the house... keeps things lively and me on my toes at all times! I've been throwing a few names around but I am really trying hard not to fall in love with her.
Ok, so I'll tell ya... we're been thinking about "Piper," "Sage," or my favorite, "Basil." Yeah, I'm kinda into the spice name, haha. Any opinions people have will definately be taken into consideration, but now it is time to get going... the little one just woke up form her name and it's potty time :-)