Saturday, September 19, 2009

Is that Godzilla... no, it's Insect-a-saurus

Chloe watches the eveil monster from a distance, weighing her options of attack... meanwhile the monster ravages through the livingroom causing total havoc!

She pounces without warning and bravely drags the evil monster back to her secret lair... the foot stool!

The monster rallies and puts up a good fight, so Chloe is forced to call in for back-up from her trusty side-kick, Charlie! Chloe attempts to stun the monster with her super blue "Lab Eyes of Death" while Charlie busts out his trusty "White Paw of Power!"

The two combine their powers to attempt defeating the evil monster once and for all... To be continued...

Haha, so okay... for all of you who have not seen monsters vs. aliens, the cartoon, you wouldn't recognize this little guy. He's on of the characters called Insectasaurus, or however you spell it. He's a huge fuzzy bug that is actually very sweet in the movie. So anywho, I saw this plushy guy in the BX and it was on the clearance shelf, so I couldn't resisit. I gave him a good squeeze to make sure he was all fluff and didn't have any of those plastic beads in him, and we were good to go.

I brought him home and the pups instantly made it their business to destroy him at all costs. Now, we have a squeeker toy here about the same size they carry all over without ripping at all, and we've had it for months, but for some reason they felt it absolutely necessary to rip this poor guys to pieces. I had to put the poor guy up on the shelf to avoid him being completely de-fluffed. Chloe had her entire snout stuffed into his body ad was yanking out fluff everywhere, while Charlie had his nose just about ripped. I was able to refill his fluff up, but the poor thing took a serious hit! At least they get a kick out of it though!

You're probably wondering why I devoted a whole post to this... well, I love my little poochies more than anything in the entire world and I think every little thing they do is adorable. Therefore, I feel the need to share the very cute things they do with all of you. Plus, the grandparents just love grand-puppy pics!
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  1. Ok,that was the cuties blog ever of my grandbabies!!!!!

  2. Of course Aunt Debbie loves dog stories! I noticed the dogs didnt put much effort in tearing the toy apart, one of the dogs is still lying down on her foot stool! :-) Cute story, we will read any story u have for us. Nothing to do at work, so I look forward to your stories, very entertaining! Keep them coming!
