Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Future posts to look forward to...

Ok, so even though I don't have the internet at my house, I braved the crazy Okinawa traffic to come all the way to base (all 4 miles) to write not about fun things, but to write about the fun things I will be writing about... haha. I only have a couple minutes to chill here at the community center because I have to run home and wait for the electric guy to come to our house... again. We are having some major problems with our "american" appliances in our "japanese" house. Apparently our dryer is too beastly for our little circuit box to handle and keeps tripping it out, as does our bathroom fan/vent thingy, and our microwave... yeah, welcome to my hell. Speaking of hell... our oven is spitting out huge flames so that's gonna be addressed today as well. I shall digress and get to my real point of this post!

Fun things to come: Pics of base, the new house, what our "funny money" looks like, the Japanese "squatty potties," chinese gardens, our new big screen, the curtain fiasco and the woman who hide when we come towards them, and my personal favorite... the story of our trip here. Now, the post on our trip here will have to be the short version because if I wrote everything that happened to us on the way here, it would take an entire novel. I will give a brief, yet very funny overview, and if you would like full colorful re-enactment, you'll have to call me :-) I will give you a little teaser... dogs running lose through Keesler, angry skycaps, getting paged in New Orleans airport, 4 hour delay in Texas, plane drama, dog-tipping, losing plane tickets, fighting with a cabbie in seattle at 3am, 2 hours of sleep, making an entire van of people unload from a van so we could fit on with our dogs, leaking water all over the airport, fighting with a foreign bank teller, screaming dogs vs. HUGE hawaiian man, 1st class (woo hoo), potty on the runway, and arrival into Oki! Yeah... i told you it was a lot!

So that's what's to come. I've got a boatload of pics I want to put on here, and possibly some video too from the Flip (which is awesome and everyone needs one), and various other whatnots. I think I am going to start posting as much as I can tomorrow, but the military froms upon us using external hard-drives here on base so it will have to be on the sly, or picture-less. We shall see... but more to come soon!! I finally have a new camera so pics to come too, YAY!

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