Sunday, June 7, 2009


Yay for random pictures! I know this post really has no point, but I have some fun pics and I wanted to share them...

First up is quite possibly the best coffee on the island. Down by the Sea Wall there is this little place Coffee Casa where the food and the coffee are out of this world. This is an iced banana mocha and it's rediculous. They make their own whipped cream and it's like cool-whip tasting but thick enough to morter a house with. Freakin' fabulous! They also make all their own breakfast/lunch menu from scratch every day. This one place is more than enough of a reason to come visit the island.

Next is just a random guy who was on a motorcycle next to my car. Through my window I could see the back of his helmet said "Pansy" and it was too funny not to take a picture of. In this US, this guy woulda got made fun of so bad for being a "tough motorcycyle rider" with a helmet that called him a sissy, haha!

So the next pic is Sarah and Derek's new baby pug. Her name is still being debated, but she goes as "Bean" for now. She's freakin' adorable and a little menace. She's in the "I want to eat everything" phase... totally adorable.

Next is this random cut-out in front of an ice cream place out at Maeda Point's little rest area place. I thought it was funny because this little cut out can't be any more that about 3 feet high and the poor little cow looks like it's all boobs!! Ah, yet another reason I love the Japanese.

Last, something you don't get to see every day in the states. There was this little flat-bed truck, unfortunately in front of me, and it had two cars stacked one on the other. These cars were barely hanging onto the ends of the truck and the "rope" holding them on wasn't even tight. It was amazing. I was a little nervous being behind them on the hills!! The car on top was leaning back and forth on the bottom car. It was nuts!!

Ok, so that's all I have for now. I know they are stupid pics, but I thought I was share for the fun of it. Plus, who doesn't like pics of cute puppies, right??

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