Monday, July 6, 2009

Sexy Senise... and a little Doolittle too!

So for America fest, we had sexy Mc-CSI New York, Gary Senise, come and strut his mad bass-playing self along with the Lt. Dan Band! Let me tell you, he is one cute dude close up. I'm a bit disturbed though, as I realize when I got close to him that he looks quite a bit like my father, also named Gary. Strange... yes, I know. Do I have deep-rooted daddy issues... I didn't think so until I realized I had the hots for my dad's doppleganger.

Despite the who "hottlie looks like my daddy" thing, he really was quite talented. The band sang oldies, new songs, even a little evenesence. They really rocked out, and the cool thing was that I was able to push my little Senise-obsessed self up the the front of the stage and I was so close I knew he was wearing Levi's from the little tag on his fanny... yeah, I was that close.

As a bonus, we had Miss Melinda Dolittle from American Idol (the season Jordan Spraks won) come and open up for the Lt. Dan Band. Overall, it was a lot of fun and they all seemed really nice and like they were actually enjoying playing for us. Gary said it's what they loved to do and this was their 4th July 4th on a military base playing for the military folks, and let me tell you, we really appreciated it. It was cool to have someone other that the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders and I think the Baltimore Raven Cheerleaders on base... and yes boys I am serious, the Dallas girls were here doning all their lovely tassles, or should I say lack-there-of... skimpy hoochies.

I shall digress... more pics of Sexy Senise and video to come soon... but it's after 10 and I am a working lady now!!

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